What Does Bat Poop Look Like?
Bat droppings, often called guano, are small and dark in appearance. They are typically around the size of a grain of rice. Bat poop is often confused with mouse poop, as the two share similar dimensions and colors. The area in which you find the feces is usually a clear indication of what type of animal it is: bats are most often found in the attic and mice elsewhere in the home.
The elongated pellets are crumbly and disintegrate when touched. Due to a high nitrogen and phosphorus content, guano is sometimes used (very carefully) as a rich fertilizer. Bat droppings can be dangerous when allowed to accumulate in the home because the nutrient-rich droppings cultivate the growth of histoplasmosis fungus, which can lead to potentially severe respiratory problems in humans.
Do I Have a Bat Problem?
A large amount of bat poop often is a sure sign you have a bat problem. Bat guano can gather within walls and attics, as well as on the ground and rooftop. The musty, pungent smell of bat droppings, along with the stains they leave on walls or ceilings, are bat problems that need to be addressed as soon as possible.
Is Bat Poop Dangerous?
Yes! Because of the hazardous nature of the bat droppings and the fact that bats are common carriers of the rabies virus, property owners should not attempt to remove bat infestations or clean up guano deposits without trained help. Critter Control of Greater Pittsburgh specializes in professional removal of pest animals, Contact Us to schedule an appointment!